• Australia has an international reputation for excellence in all areas of education and training.
  • Many scholarships, grants, and bursaries are offered by the Australian government, education institutions, and a number of public and private organisations.
  • Students are allowed to work up to 40 hours every two weeks in jobs that require only basic skills, such as in the food and beverage service, petrol pumps or in their university campuses. Also students get an opportunity to work after completion of studies
  • Most parts of Australia enjoy great weather which is an added bonus for students.For students who enjoy exploring the outdoors, there is an endless number of memorable activities waiting for you.
  • There are 43 universities in Australia: 41 Australian universities (37 public and 4 private) and 2 international private universities and each of them offers vast and varied opportunities to study a range of different subjects
  • For international students from non-English speaking countries, Australia is an ideal country to hone your proficiency in English

Luminary overseas makes sure that our students receive only the best of the best university & program that fits the student profile.

For more details, please call us today on +91 7075927095